Yes Greger, I also thought Hillary was going to win. I went to bed around 2200 hrs and didn’t find out Trump won until the next morning. Now I’m not sure why everyone, to include me thought Hillary would win. I went back to look at the polls to see what I had missed. I found that in Pennsylvania, Trump had forged to a one-point lead, in Michigan, he was tied with Clinton and in Wisconsin, all the polls were at least 2 weeks old if not older. Useless. I went with history in those states since the Democratic presidential candidate had carried all three of those deciding states in the last 7 presidential election. The information was there, it was just overlooked by the pundits and forecasters. That includes me.
Trump winning Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin wasn’t that big upset everyone made it out to be. The numbers were there, just ignored. Inflation is what’s hurting Biden big time. I don’t think he’s done anything wrong. He just happens to be president during rising prices which turns most independents against the president regardless of who that president is.
If you’re interested in why Biden and the democrats are on the downslide, you have this. There’s a ton of information in this, more than even the most avid political junkie can absorb. But it does let one know where things stand today.