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Dunno what a chinese or Russian neocon is. All I know is the ones we got in state.
I thought the masons were the ones who controlled the level and square?
India has entered an agreement with Russia to purchase oil in rupees. The RUBINR swap line.
Russia will only accept rubles for oil payments. Should be interesting to see how Europe sorts that one out. My guess is a brisk trade in unsanctioned Russian banks. Europeans will have to deposit Euro’s to exchange them for Rubles to get that LNG.
Booting Russia off SWIFT has accelerated the implementation of both Russia’s and China’s nascent competing SPFS and CIP systems respectively. The SPFS system is already up in India. As Hudson pointed out, sanctions often have the opposite effect of hurting your export markets while creating new domestic markets in the targeted country. He gives the example of the late 70’s grain embargo on Russia. The result was Russia got its farming in order and is now the largest exporter of grain (and competitor to US exports) in the world. One wonders how many real new unintended consequences will come out of this NATO Russian proxy war. My guess is it will take time to see if this fight will have been worth it.
One thing looks certain. No pivot to Asia any time soon. Wouldn’t it be hilarious and fitting if the world goes up in smoke it’ll be over a no show jobs program for our latest crooked presidents fail son? Say! Is it ok to talk about that laptop nugget now that the elections over?