Originally Posted by Greger
Russia didn’t deindustrialize. Or China.

No, they didn't. They de-humanized instead. In service to industry.

You don't hear folks over there asking for a sustainable wage, free education, and M4A.

They don't ask for anything. They just work in the sweatshops turning out drywall screws.

Like we used to do here. Until they fall over dead.
Time for a near limerick?

There once was a man named Dick,
Who was blessed with a corkscrew prick.
He spent his life in a futile hunt
For a woman with a corkscrew (kooch).
And when he found he he fell over dead,
Damned if she wasn't a left hand thread!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller