“ No. It's not. I've been reading interviews with some of the many thousands of Russians who are fleeing Russia. When asked whether they were worried about Russophobia in other countries they said no. Nothing could be worse than the way Russia treated Russians.”

Yes. It is.
Did all that interviewing turn up any Russian expat longing for the days of the Yeltsin regime? Reading stories of expats for commentary about the state of their home country is like interviewing Miami Cubans about the state of Cuba. The book ‘Immigrants as a Weapon’ from the earlier linked author Yasha Levine explains the US practice of using far right, upper class emigrees for propaganda purposes. The quick take: we rehabilitate fascists and rightwing elements to our foreign policy causes. Cuz we’re basically a rightwing country in a liberal wrapper.

I’m of the opinion that governments are there to improve its citizens lives. From there, I can form an opinion if that is being done or not in the US as well as other countries. You might not like how other countries organize but you can objectively tell wether or not they have a fed population and has made available those things that are needed to sustain life. That’s going to get very difficult for the NATO sphere countries of Europe. I’m guessing some political backlash in the coming year.

It’s planting season right now. Fertilizer and diesel have skyrocketed in costs thru out Europe.
The IMF has recently issued a warning the dollar is being undermined as a reserve currency due to the theft of foreign reserves directed by state.
Germany is staring down deindustrialization as its input costs soar. They’re talking about rationing energy to industry by shutting down factories.

You should get in touch with the German trade union and tell em it’s a good thing. They won’t be getting ground up in the industrial machines no more. Maybe they can adopt a ‘sharing economy’ and start renting rooms out in their houses or ferry people around in their cars for 12-16 hours like we do here ?

Seems like they should be happy to make the trade to preserve the Ukraine swindle where any company having over 50 employees and a board had a US senators fail child collecting a paycheck for a no show job. There was more than the Biden’s dipping their beaks in that neonazi cess pit. Now a bastion of liberal democracy once Russian tanks crossed its borders…

Last edited by chunkstyle; 04/10/22 02:59 PM.