Yeah, I was pretty thrilled to have a natural gas pipeline right in my front yard. I pay more to be a member of the Lake Apopka Natural Gas District than I do for the metered gas. But my bill is still under $20 a month.

I pay less for internet here too and the speed is about 200 times faster. I don't need to scrimp on my power bills, my HVAC systems are new. Windows are new, a metal roof with 2 inches of insulation was added 9 years ago, Rinnai tankless hot water is new. Everything is state of the art. Every lightbulb is LED. I won't know until June what the AC will cost in the summer but most power bills should be well under $100. In the summer we tend to turn our houses into iceboxes and only crawl out once a day to eat and sh*t. It's pretty brutal and cooling bills are up to the individual and their thermostat settings.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...