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Your contempt for blue collar jobs and the families that were supported by them are noted. The broader implication remains. We are a financialized economy now and not an industrial economy. That makes us vulnerable, especially to certain import realities. But keep dreaming of your techno utopia future just over the horizon. As someone who grew up in an area of the country that suffered the economic shocks of planned deindustrialization, Ive heard that condescending language for years now.
Anyway, I find all this heart sleeve yammering just so much repeating of corporate propaganda. We’re assisting in a genocide with a true authoritarian monarchy so spare me the ‘but the poor fleeing Russians. Whose thinking of those Russians!!!’’ And screw the phoney whataboutism the usual hypocrites throw up.
The fact is we have zealots running state for decades that have their very publicly stated aim of preserving ‘full spectrum global dominance’. An insane theory that is running into the contradictions of the last 40 years of neoliberal economics. The screw cutting machine was a small example of a large problem. Wait till we get going with China. We don’t make s*** anymore to the ruin of working classes and even middle classes. The ruling classes seem not to understand this correctly.
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by Greger
Russia is a pissant nation trying to leverage its petroleum supply here at the end of the Petroleum Age. It is Russia that needs to yield(or compromise) not the West.
From Price Wars by Rupert Russell. I was not aware of this gas and oil discovery and if anything this explains Donbas and getting the ring around from Donbas to Odessa to get Control of the Black Sea oil there.
I thought it was about the Voldemort and the protocols of the elders of Zion? That’s what was making it all so emotionally personal for you as the son a German Jewish immigrants, iirc.
Are you now saying it’s got more than one dimension?
Cancelling Nordstream 2 was a multi administration objective that’s been accomplished now. Yeah, there’s a lot going on in the Ukraine.
Should we talk about the Biden’s involvement yet or is that still verboten. The corporate press has lifted its media blackout. One wonders at the timing of that.