I have responded to your question of what should be the response. This whole thread has been a response.
You can’t expect a serious discussion on this crises without context. I have been given my understanding of the context for the current crises much of which has been met with derision, insult or denial.

Yes, much of the past years news coverage had been swamped by the current deluge of news coming out related to ‘Donbas’, ‘shelling’, ‘civilians’ etc… Combined with the very public pronouncements of media platforms and search engine platforms, selectively weeding out any information that cuts against the media/government narratives, we now have one of the most difficult information environments to navigate. As I’ve stated earlier.

But this is old news. I’ve have given plenty of links from a broad political spectrum on this crises, covering ground that seems to be unbroken by you. The fact that you haven’t paid attention to this area of long-standing conflict does not mean that it hasn’t been covered or discussed.

Here’s one of our best Russian experts calling it years ago. Sadly, he wax ridiculed and discredited by the neocons and liberals who’ve gone all in on Russophobia.

What specifically about deescalation is confusing?

Stop sending arms, allow Zelensky to negotiate a peace and save the lives of the remainder of his military. Stop US interference in that process.

Nah gunna happen. The American Neocons are fanatics and won’t allow it. Do you know what a neoconservative is and what they believe?

I showed you mine, you gunna show me yours now?

Last edited by chunkstyle; 04/14/22 05:20 PM.