Not letting anything dirty get thru..

Yeah, maybe it's a matter of how dirty you want to get your hands while weeding through the relevant news. Maybe I'm missing a few viewpoints and radical European views, Maybe I'm not digging deep enough and sorting through enough random obscure journalists reporting on random obscure facts gathered from random obscure former something-or-others.

I'm not sure I know what you want me to do with all this information?

I have the power to vote every two years. Beyond that, it's just political theater that doesn't affect me in the slightest and that I haven't the slightest chance of changing.

Perhaps your opinions are better informed and more valuable than mine. But you have exactly the same power to change things that I do. Vote early and vote often if you hope to change the world.

Looks like Sweden and Finland are going to join NATO and force Russia to spend billions fortifying another border with nuclear weapons. Poor poor Russia beleaguered at every front...nothing to do but bomb the sh*t out of everybody.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...