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Up until a couple of weeks ago, two groups agreed that Russia is the real victim in all of this: The extreme Right (Trumpers) and the extreme Left.
Is Chunks really saying that Russia is the victim here? That's the way it looks, but he's being awfully coy about saying it plainly.
I wonder why he doesn't just say it? Myself, I can't get my mind around what could justify invading another country and blowing the shiit out of everything, including civilians, schools, apartment buildings, hospitals, etc., even if if that country did it to you first.
And somehow the U.S. forced Putin to do this? So we could get in a war with Russia? It's been a month and a half, what're we waiting for if that was the objective?
Is there a Leftist Q-Anon?
I never mentioned him, but allow me to say that the amazing part about the whole steaming pile of drivel is that, not knowing who is speaking, I couldn't tell if it's coming from the far right or far left. The Venn diagram is now a perfect circle.
As for a "leftist" version of Qanon, take a look at what passes for "the wellness community" today. No, not the size, reach and power, just the foundational values, which have always bordered on cringeworthy. It was originally the wellness morons who started the whole chemtrails/HAARP/5G extravaganza and it was the wellness community who were FIRST-FIRST-FIRST! with vaccine hysteria, long before COVID.
Should we try for a Democratic Party version of Trump? That's easy too! Lyndon LaRouche.
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