Originally Posted by chunkstyle
This you?

“ And when I hear Putin giving the reason for his war as "we're denazifying Ukraine" I actually hear "mumble mumble The Struggle against Kurkul Influence in Collective Farms".
Here's a fun fact:
Areas depopulated by the Holodomor famine were resettled by Russians in the Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, but not as much so in central Ukraine.
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.

One could almost say that the very ROOT events that BEGAN all the division of Ukrainian and "Russianized" Ukrainians stretch ALL the WAY BACK TO Holodomor.”

Where were you going with that one? Some loose suggesting to be sure but I have to wonder at the someone who denies there’s Nazis in Ukraine…

If you'll show us all where I flat out said "There are NO NAZIS in Ukraine" <<<---- (that is what a denial would look like) your post might look a little more rational, especially for a person who is fluffing Putin's assertion that the Nazis pretty much control Ukraine and that it's literally crawling with them on every streetcorner, especially when not a single Nazi has been seen among the dead and now rotting corpses of women and children strewn across those streets today.

It looks like we can't even agree on facts as basic as the sky being blue or water being wet, so that might be a stretch, but here's something else to consider, because I want to acknowledge that there is a problem, but I think we should all try to put that problem in proper perspective.

The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) says that the Skinhead movement is active in 33 countries on six continents. It numbers some 70,000 youths worldwide, of whom half are hardcore activists and the rest supporters. The countries where Skinheads are found in the greatest numbers are Germany (5,000), Hungary and the Czech Republic (more than 4,000 each), the United States (3,500), Poland (2,000), the United Kingdom and Brazil (1,500 each), Italy (1,000 to 1,500), and Sweden (more than 1,000). France, Spain, Canada, and the Netherlands each have at least 500 Skinheads.

This 2014 article --- Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists
(cached so it can be read here) says that it is indeed a serious error in judgment for Ukraine to have been unapologetic (at least in 2014 anyway) about accepting mercs and volunteers of the neo-nazi persuasion to help fight Russian forces in the Eastern regions of the country.

Mark Galeotti, an expert on Russian and Ukrainian security affairs at New York University, fears battalions like Azov are becoming “magnets to attract violent fringe elements from across Ukraine and beyond”. “The danger is that this is part of the building up of a toxic legacy for when the war ends,” he said.

Extremist paramilitary groups who have built up “their own little Freikorps” and who are fundamentally opposed to finding consensus may demand a part in public life as victors in the conflict, Mr Galeotti added. [i]“And what do you do when the war is over and you get veterans from Azov swaggering down your high street, and in your own lives?”

I simply maintain that we're looking at a much larger population of neo-Nazis here in the United States, and what's more, ours aren't even interested in defending the U.S. from outside invaders, they are on the side OF the would-be invaders.

“Personally, I’m a Nazi,” said “Phantom”, a 23-year-old former lawyer at the ceremony wearing camouflage and holding a Kalashnikov. “I don’t hate any other nationalities but I believe each nation should have its own country.” He added: “We have one idea: to liberate our land from terrorists.”

Asked about his Nazi sympathies, he said: “After the First World World War, Germany was a total mess and Hitler rebuilt it: he built houses and roads, put in telephone lines, and created jobs. I respect that.” Homosexuality is a mental illness and the scale of the Holocaust “is a big question”, he added.

Hmmmmm, that is indeed problematic, I agree.

APRIL 13, 2022 --- Tennessee State Senator Frank Nicely gives us all a "history lesson".

Is it time for Russia to denazify Tennessee?

If I didn't know any better I'd almost have to wonder if you're implying that the Jews were responsible for Holodomor. Is that what you're trying to say?

However, while the mayor attempts to make sure his statements never cross over into outright anti-Semitism, many things he says can be interpreted in such a way, he continued. As an example, he referred to a recent statement by Semenikhin in which the mayor refused to apologize for anti-Jewish actions taken by far-right nationalists in World War II, intimating that it was because those responsible for the Holodomor famine of the 1930s were largely Jewish.


In the 2019 Ukrainian elections, the far-right nationalist electoral alliance, including Svoboda, National Corps, Right Sector, Azov Battalion, OUN, and Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, underperformed expectations. In the presidential election, its candidate Ruslan Koshulynskyi received 1.6% of the vote, and in the parliamentary election, it was reduced to a single seat and saw its national vote fall to 2.15%, half of its result from 2014 and one-quarter of its result from 2012.

If Ukraine is really overrun by neo-Nazis you'd think they would have performed better in the election that secured Zelenskyy's seat in power, and there'd be a far Right neo-Nazi in the presidency or at least an alarming majority in their legislature.
To the real world it looks a little bit more like Ukraine's neo-Nazi problem is about half the size of the problem we have in Anaheim, California.

But any port in a storm, right? If you can successfully blow this up into a convincing picture of a Ukraine overrun by skinheads, have at it but so far it sounds a lot more like you're just attacking Ukraine and defending Putin, at least from where I sit.

Show us the Nazi hordes overrunning Ukraine, storming the Ukrainian legislature and....maybe if you're lucky you could even find examples of Ukraine media extolling the virtues of Nazism. So far it seems to resemble all those pizzerias that harbor child sex slave operations in the basement.

Ukraine's military has a neo-Nazi problem...so does ours, so does our law enforcement, and up until November 2020, so did our White House, and we're STILL dealing with a very serious neo-Nazi problem with almost half our congress right now.
And you're barking up the wrong tree.
None of the reams of text you pounded out the last six months is going to age well...some of it's not aging well right now.
I'll step back and let history be the judge.

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