Sorry Gregor but if you want to mischaracterize my positions shouldn’t I be able to do the same?

I mean look at the unintelligible stuff coming from you guys. The lazy dribble and fascists loving support.

And as far as the covert racism goes, where was all the moralizing with Syria? Don’t recall it. I’m sorry your so offended by the color of the Syrians complexion to have said nothing about it. I didn’t enjoy killing Iraqis as you did so much.

Isn’t post modern reality fun? Though I do sometimes miss the days of Phil when a claim needed to be backed occasionally with a citation.

Still, didn’t realize you loved Nazis. Sorry I don’t why you like Nazis shelling the people of the Donbas . Is it cuz of the Voldemort times?

You and logs haven’t convinced me to stop hating Nazis.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 04/15/22 07:28 PM.