Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Where did I say Nazis have over run?

I’ll save you the time. I didn’t. But a bulllshitter doesn’t care much about accuracy.

Far better diplomats and strategists have described the fascist situation in Ukraine. I’ve linked to some counterpoint assessments of the persistent threat the fascist elements and your ‘look at the election results’ hand waving away the realities there. I’ll take their descriptions over yours. Hard pass.

But neocons have no compunction supporting fascist paramilitaries around the globe. It’s been interesting to watch liberals get on board now that they’re fellow travelers

I’m sure I haven’t addressed a good deal of your post. Sorry. Too long and rambling for me.

"But neocons have no comp...." ---- shee-it, you are now contradicting yourself in the same paragraph.
If Nazis, according to you, HAVE NOT overrun Ukraine then your comment about neocons (which ones?) supporting fascism is a contradiction.
Is this a Shrodinger fascism where it's fascist and NOT fascist at the same time?

What's with the TL;DR....we have to try to slog through your epic walls of text, most of which DWARF mine.
If you're not going to even bother reading then I see no point in debating with you.
TL:DR is the refuge of those with voluntary short attention spans and if you're going to treat this the way Flo's sister treats Flo's insurance pitches, at least admit that
you only "wanted ME to talk about insurance" for your own amusement.

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