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Sorry Gregor but if you want to mischaracterize my positions shouldn’t I be able to do the same?
I mean look at the unintelligible stuff coming from you guys. The lazy dribble and fascists loving support.
And as far as the covert racism goes, where was all the moralizing with Syria? Don’t recall it. I’m sorry your so offended by the color of the Syrians complexion to have said nothing about it. I didn’t enjoy killing Iraqis as you did so much.
Isn’t post modern reality fun? Though I do sometimes miss the days of Phil when a claim needed to be backed occasionally with a citation.
Still, didn’t realize you loved Nazis. Sorry I don’t why you like Nazis shelling the people of the Donbas . Is it cuz of the Voldemort times?
You and logs haven’t convinced me to stop hating Nazis.
I'm wondering how Putin used Article 51 to justify invading Ukraine multiple times. Russia is not even a member of NATO.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
I’ll save you the time. I didn’t. But a bulllshitter doesn’t care much about accuracy.
Far better diplomats and strategists have described the fascist situation in Ukraine. I’ve linked to some counterpoint assessments of the persistent threat the fascist elements and your ‘look at the election results’ hand waving away the realities there. I’ll take their descriptions over yours. Hard pass.
But neocons have no compunction supporting fascist paramilitaries around the globe. It’s been interesting to watch liberals get on board now that they’re fellow travelers
I’m sure I haven’t addressed a good deal of your post. Sorry. Too long and rambling for me.
"But neocons have no comp...." ---- shee-it, you are now contradicting yourself in the same paragraph. If Nazis, according to you, HAVE NOT overrun Ukraine then your comment about neocons (which ones?) supporting fascism is a contradiction. Is this a Shrodinger fascism where it's fascist and NOT fascist at the same time?
What's with the TL;DR....we have to try to slog through your epic walls of text, most of which DWARF mine. If you're not going to even bother reading then I see no point in debating with you. TL:DR is the refuge of those with voluntary short attention spans and if you're going to treat this the way Flo's sister treats Flo's insurance pitches, at least admit that you only "wanted ME to talk about insurance" for your own amusement.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
What’s your definition of over run? I’m wondering if a country needs to be over run to have rump political factions having an outsized influence in its politics. Please be brief.
Meanwhile, and for the final time, anyone who doesn’t know about the long standing connections between the US state dept and far right paramilitary groups can take a stab at their keyboard and find out more than they’d want.
Hell, ol Dutch got his d!ck caught in his zipper when it was found out he was off book financing fascist death squads in his Central America dirty wars.
But that’s all in the past and NO WAY Congress would allow that to happen again. We got the war fanatics booted out of guvmint no doubt. With thriving anti colonialist left wing political parties that we have how could they.
No really there’s no reporting that’s ever been done describing fascists politics and military organizations and their impacts on Ukranian politics. Nope. None that I can find and boy did I go looking.
And thank goodness too! We all no Putinstalin is a as pathological liar and he was just crazy talking. There’s no point in discussing any of those claims.
C’mon chunks..just say it. Say Putin is evil chunks. He stole our elections, hates our freedom.
Harpers Jan 2021:
“ The militia first fought in the capital, then aided the military in battles against Russian-backed separatist forces, including the reconquest of the city of Mariupol. In November 2014, Azov was officially integrated into the National Guard of Ukraine, with its own armored units and artillery battery. Since then, it has built a wide-ranging infrastructure of civil and military groups—including the National Militia, an auxiliary police force—and spawned a variety of summer camps, training centers, and veterans’ programs. In 2016, Biletsky launched the National Corps. While they have thus far polled at around 1 percent, their failure to generate electoral enthusiasm belies their growing presence both on the streets and within the organs of the state.”
I could go on but what would be the point? You can’t argue with Nazi lovers.
You could replace “officially adsorbed into the national guard” to ‘officially recognized and accepted by the national guard’. But let’s use the word absorb. It sounds cleaner donut? Like a spill getting wiped up. All clean now
What’s your definition of over run? I’m wondering if a country needs to be over run to have rump political factions having an outsized influence in its politics. Please be brief.
And I'm wondering if Putin laid out his Ukraine plans based on intel that assured him that there were formidable pro-Russian militia waiting for their peers in Z-outfits to show up only to discover that funding given to Ukraine pro-Russ got pocketed instead through grift.
MY definition of "overrun"? I am not IN Ukraine so I am going to try using a domestic analogy. 147 members of Congress supporting the January 6 insurrection is "overrun" in my book.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
Russia’s motives to invade? An existential threat it perceived from NATOs expansion is what they’ve been saying.
Justification to bomb the crap out of your dog? I believe they’ve used UN article 51.
Who should you hate? Whoever you want. Your going to anyhow.
I personally hate war, empires and the neocon fanatics that have pushed for both. They will be the death of us. Oh, and bulllshitters.
Why do you all love war so much? How do you justify empire and domination and subjugation? Finally, why are you so racist over your deserving and undeserving victims of state violence?
I think I have enough information now to understand where you are coming from. I am sorry for your suffering and hope that you can find a cure.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller