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Well… India and China are laying pipe for Russian gas. Last I looked, they represent a significant portion of the world.
But please, continue to moralize over the realities.
Yes I am aware that those are the current circumstances. I think I headed the preceding post with some careful utterances of
"On the OTHER SIDE OF such a recession"
Who knows, maybe Putin just decides to "declare the future sovereignty of Luhansk, Donetsk, Donbass now secure" and walks away. Best case scenario? Acceptable to Zelenskyy? Acceptable to the rest of the world? That's anybody's guess, but even with such a relatively "benign" end game, I cannot imagine investors in the West clamoring for a bright future association with a proven unstable partner.
Coming out of a full scale hissy fit, even if it were to remain "conventional" (as in NO NUKES) I imagine investors even more soured on the notion. At some point, it's going to become so unattractive to deal with The World's Biggest Cootie that even if he face plants in a bowl of borscht this morning, investors in most of the free world aren't even going to calm down until YEARS after they hear his final submerged death gurgle.
In fact, Putin going fully tits up with posies in a casket stirs morbid curiosity about what may arrive in his wake. As far as the rest of the free world is concerned, we might as well be looking at Russia in the era of Leonid Breshnev as far as trade is concerned...
...for the foreseeable next seventy years.
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