Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Interesting little story on MSNBC:

If you flee the capitol, you have lost.

Turns out, Mike Pence was even more of a hero than we knew. He didn't just refuse to do Trump's bidding and return the electoral votes to the states. Trump's Secret Service supporters had a plan to whisk Pence away (supposedly to safety), but Pence refused to get in his armored limo and leave the Capital. He knew when the legislature fleas the Capital the coup has won. He called a bunch of congressmen and told them not to leave.

A little bit more to it than that. Chuck Grassley tweeted that he didn't expect Pence to BE there on 1/6....first time time in US history a Veep skipped the certification.
Grassley was sure HE would be in charge instead of Pence.

Pence knew something was amuck with his SS detail and said to his lead SS guy:
"I trust you Tim, but I am not getting in that car."



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