With Biden at a very low 40% overall approval rating, 36% approval on his handling of the economy, 65% of all Americans thinking this country is headed in the wrong direction, the Democratic congressional critters approval at a low 30%, one would expect a gigantic red wave, 40-60 house pickup, 5 or 6 senate seats by the GOP. By historical standards, that is what should happen. But the numbers refute that, at least as of today. There’s something else in play here. You can be the judge of what that is.

Going by the data I have, a net gain of 12-15 seats in the house is the most likely. A senate that may be 51-49 for either party or remain 50-50. This isn’t normal considering Biden’s and the Democratic controlled congress abysmal approval and favorable ratings. Nothing has been normal since the arrival of Trump. Historical standards, wisdom, norms have been tossed out the window.

What happens if the GOP takes back the house? Nothing. Government will be divided, nothing gets accomplished. Each party gets nothing, zero of that it wants, agenda wise. There’ll be no more 1-6 hearings, but the public at large so far has ignored them anyway. The GOP controlled house will investigate Hunter Biden and may even impeach Biden. The house has cart blanche on determining what is or isn’t an impeachable offense. No big thing in the overall scheme of things if the GOP retakes the house.

The senate may be another matter. A Republican controlled senate could stop all of Biden’s nominations to whatever office. Judicial, cabinet, government agencies, etc. We’ll survive nicely, we already have survived four years of Trump. Yeah, we’ll survive two years of nothing, unless we get involved in a nuclear war or Yellowstone erupts or a massive comet or asteroid hits the earth. Two years of GOP controlled house is nothing compared to all of that. Even if the Republicans take both chambers of congress, 2024 is right around the corner. Nothing remains the same, 2024 could be the Democrats golden opportunity regardless of what happens in 2022. For me, what happens, happens. I’ve no control over it, can’t do a thing about it, so I don’t worry about it.

I do feel, think, losing 15 house seats considering Biden and company’s very low approval numbers should be considered a big moral victory, especially if the Dems retain control of the senate. Even if they don’t, losing only 15 house seats and perhaps one or two in the senate, that I would consider a victory for the Democrats. Compare the loss of 54 house and 9 senate seats under Bill Clinton, 1994 and 63 house and 8 senate under Obama 2010 when both presidents had the same low approval numbers. I think one needs to be realistic, get a grip on the political reality as it really is.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.