I’ve been hearing about how the changing demographics will be putting the GOP out of business for over 50 years now. But during that time span, say 1970 to today, the only thing that has changed in party affiliation, identification is the Democratic Party base as a percentage of the electorate has shrunk while the Republican Party base has remained fairly steady, going up a few points during Reagan and Bush, then dropping back to where it was prior to Reagan and Bush. Here:


The biggest change is in independents, 20% during JFK, up to 30% during Ford and Carter, then climbing to 40% today. Now these figures aren’t broken down via demographics, race, gender etc. But demographics are covered in each major group, Democrats, Republicans, Independents. This isn’t saying you are wrong, it’s that party affiliation/identification numbers aren’t showing it. The only thing for sure is independents are growing. I wouldn’t be surprise if independents pass the 50% mark in 10-20 years from now.

You do have another trend going, 4% of blacks voted Republican in 2008, 6% in 2012, 8% in 2016, 12% in 2020. Hispanics 27% voted Republican in 2012, 28% in 2016 and 32% in 2020. In 2020 41% of Hispanics voted Republican in Texas, 38% in New Mexico, 37% in Arizona with the national average of 32%. Whites, 55% voted republican in 2008, 59% in 2012, 57% in 2016, 58% in 2020.

Here's a good article that may help explain why Hispanics are drifting toward the GOP.


Make of all of this what you will. I just think it’s a big mistake to rely on the change in demographics to make the Democratic Party the permanent majority party with the republican party becoming irrelevant. Independents and Hispanics will have much more say in upcoming elections as both groups are growing while Blacks have stayed stagnant and whites decreases in their portion of the electorate.

Isn’t it perplexing that Trump, of all the republican presidential candidates in 2020 received the highest percentage of the black vote than any other Republican candidate going back to Gerald Ford when Ford received 15%? That except for G.W. Bush in 2000 (35%) and in 2004 (41%), Trump received the highest percentage of the Hispanic vote since 1984 when Reagan received 37%.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.