Originally Posted by Greger
Never said "canceled"....but can you imagine...

Frankly, just because I can imagine something doesn't make it any more likely to happen.

And I try not to let my imagination run wild.

I don't let mine run wild either. I just see and hear the plans to "dismantle the administrative state" and listen to the very words these people "speak from their mouths".

If they succeed, that is the end of pretty much anything and everything keeping my family afloat.
Fifteen years ago it didn't frighten me (or piss me off) as much because I was making plenty of money and Daryl and Karen's health were such that I could get on larger assignments that sometimes took me out of town for a couple of weeks or even a month sometimes.
I was much healthier and much more productive.

Losing benefits thanks to some radicalized agenda to cut the beating heart out of the social contract would have been a shot across the bow but not a guaranteed sudden dead stop in the middle of a freeway like it is now that all three of us are much older and sicker.

Make no mistake about it, we are, in the eyes of the Trumpers, to be disposed of as quickly as possible. They've proven beyond all doubt that even disabled veterans don't deserve jack squat.

My full time job for the last four years has been CAREGIVER*, (unpaid) to both the wife and son. If the REVENGE MOB gets put in power, guarantee you we will be on the chopping block.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD