Last night I watched a show which described just how much theft and looting was taking place in Ukraine. They looted and stole entire contents of Museums and did the same for any and all art in general. I suspect the other stuff; clothes, tools, food, etc. were personal for the soldier thieves, murderers and hungry guys just having a good time in between rapes.

The facts are that the Ukranians seem to be a bit better than the Russian forces and now they are getting war stuff from the united states which is approximately 70 years newer than the old stuff the Russians have. That, and the apparent fact that the Russian army seems to be made up of untrained kids kinda changes the whole thing.

Now, if Putin doesn't go nuclear the whole mess just might get solved but, I suspect, the stuff that gets agreed on is going to be interesting as well?

Last edited by jgw; 05/01/22 06:44 PM.