I am putting this here because I think that the Abortion question is based on religion and little else, certainly not facts.

There are indications that legal abortions reduced the number of unwanted children which, in turn, reduced crime, from 1970's to 1990's approximately 20% Questions and studies of unwanted children fills volumes I offer just one possible result of abortion:

From 2011 to 2017 Legal abortions reduced by 19%

Banning abortions would increase the maternal death rate by 21% or more.

The United States rates 127th out of 185 countries
Americal has more maternal deaths than countries such as Turnkey, Russia, Uruguay, Latvia, etc.

If you like statistics www.nationmster.com is a really great place for them about just about everything. NationMaster was setup for students to use.

I have been giving abortion a bit of thought. The number of abortions has been steadily dropping since it was made legal years ago which I have always thought was interesting. I think it may be due to better education when it comes to evil sex (a personal belief based on nothing). Unwanted children is a peskey one. There is a lot about them. They have very hard times and many turn to crime. Banning abortions also means that many more maternals will die.

The simple fact is that banning abortions doesn't mean reducing abortions (apparently quite the reverse) as abortions will continue but many will cause problems, death, unwanted children, and possibly even more crime. Apparently the Republicans are all for banning abortions which I find very strange because of the costs of doing that. A lot of abortions happen because the maternal one has no money, no husband, no job, etc. When forced to bear the baby in question I suspect gov will have to pay for the birth, the taking care of, the education of, etc. of the baby in question which may get a lot more expensive for tax payers as well. When one adds it all up banning abortions becomes a really taxing experience for tab payers. Given that Republicans are, at least by supposition, don't like taxes but supporting abortion will increase taxes.

In other words the banning of abortions will make the goddites very happy as it will please the lord. The simple fact is that its not gonna stop abortions just create more problems for gov to fix and I have little faith that it gonna get fixed. The only real thing that will happen is that more die young, more unwanted, possibly criminal, children, etc.

The simple fact is that banning abortions fix nothing and make a mess of things. In other words banning abortion is a really bad idea no matter how you look at it.

Oh, in passing, I guess I should also mention that amongst those who want to ban abortion are the males. They are quite prominant when it comes to abortions. Nobody seems to notice that one which is kind of interesting all on its own.

Just a few thoughts...........