It’s been a week since the leaked draft on abortion. For all the hell being raised about it, there has been no significant changes to the generic congressional ballot.

2 May 2020 Generic congressional ballot, RCP averages 46.5-42.5, Republican, 538 averages 45.2-42.8 Republican
9 May 2020 Generic congressional ballot, RCP averages 46.4-43.2 Republican, 538 averages 45.4-42.8 Republican

We haven’t seen any significant movement on President’s overall job performance since the leak either.

2 May 2020 Biden’s overall job performance, 41.7% approve, 53.0% disapprove
9 May 2020 Biden’s overall job performance, 42.3% approve, 52.9% disapprove

It will take another week or two before we can gauge the full impact of the leaked draft on abortion. Early indications are the draft will have minimal effect on the upcoming midterms. But it’s still early, like the first quarter results in a football game with 3 quarters left. What I think will happen is after the second and third week you’ll see movement towards to the Democrats. After the fourth week, the numbers will begin returning to where they were prior to the leaked draft. That the way these things usually play out.

You may see the same results, first movement towards the democrats for the public 1-6 hearings and again once the SCOTUS hands down their official ruling in June. Then the numbers reverting to pre-1-6 public hearings and the official SCOTUS ruling. That’s what history has shown that happens on these so-called game changing events.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.