Again, there are people, for and against, on both sides but they have, pretty much, been dispensed with when it comes to the righteous, on both sides. Most of what we hear is the extremes, on both sides. I have no doubt that this thing is really important to many but they are not getting covered by our media in any meaningful way. All that being said I suspect that they most extreme side will loose in November.
I believe that there are more in the middle than on any specific side. I consider those who agree that there has to be rules and, as far as I can tell, that means available in first 15 weeks, available in cases of rape, incest or health of the mother. I have also noted that there is nobody claiming that they would be responsible for the not wanted children being raised and educated (up to and including college)). I used to have two friends (now gone). Both were raised in orphanages and told me they were happy campers there. They had food, people who cared for them, and a regular place to lay their heads. They also said that they also watched as their state legislators reduced the money for the orphanages and noted that the lack of money meant having people working in orphanages being less and less competent and they were lucky because, in the end they all got shut down due to staffs that were paid, basically, the minimum. (same thing pretty much happened to Insane asylums).