Again it might surprise you that most people who own guns will never use them to kill schoolchildren. Very few of them will ever take part in a mass shooting.

We're a generation from meaningful gun reform because it will be that long before we manage to put together a liberal supreme court again. Mental health reform and screening might be a more useful tactic at this point and more doable. Educators would flag possible troublemakers, county social workers would track their online activities, and if other red flags appear they'd be put on a "no-buy" list as far as legally buying or possessing firearms. Most of these guys don't come out of nowhere. They've already gotten onto somebody's radar.

It would be subject to appeal of course. But anyone supplying them with arms would also be charged with any crime they committed.

Gun control is another political football. Partisans scream and shout as they get kicked back and forth. I'll side with the gun people who maintain it is a crazy person problem, not intrinsically a firearm problem. I'm pretty sure there is no constitutional amendment preventing some limited control of crazy people.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...