If I was going into a building of relatively close quarters, no semi-automatics available. I’d opt for a pump shotgun. They can contain anywhere from 8 to 41 shells. Although the shotgun available for 41 shells holds the mini shotgun shell or 24 regular shotgun shells. No accurate aiming required. The spread of a 12- or 16-gauge shell can be huge. The difference between firing a civil war cannon with a solid iron ball or grapeshot or in more modern terms, the difference between an iron bomb or a cluster bomb.

Maybe we’re too interested in what a weapon looks like instead of the lethal aspects. Then again, we’re more interested in finding ways to limit the damage than searching for the root cause or reasons why these mass school shootings take place now whereas in the past, they didn’t. It seems to me, a possible cure which may lie in comparing our society of pre-1968 when the first mass school shooting occurred to the post 1968 society where these mass school shootings have become routine.

What I don’t understand in all of this, why is no one interested in finding out what went wrong so we can fix it? Or at least try. I guess I’ve said enough. It is what it is and if no one wants to find out the reasons, the cause, that’s life.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.