Is Steve Scalise (R) LA weapons grade stupid like Lauren Boebert, or just pretending to be?

While families of Uvalde mass shooting victims were testifying in the House, and while witnesses in that hearing invited by the Republicans testified on behalf of the guns, Scalise - a mass shooting victim himself, was in front of a camera telling lies that only America's stupidest, most ignorant could possibly believe.

Scalice stated:

I go back to September 11th… Airplanes were used that day as the weapon to kill thousands of people and to inflict terror on our country. There wasn’t a conversation about banning airplanes. There was a conversation about connecting the dots. How can we try to figure out if there are signs we can see to stop the next attack from happening.

Scalise later claimed “Under the guise of ‘red flag,’ they take away due process." Scalise continued by urging lawmakers to take up policies such as “hardening schools” and finding a way “help kids identify [the signs of a shooting] before it can happen.” He also blamed the “defund the police movement” and other progressive criminal justice reforms, such as the end of cash bail, for encouraging America’s skyrocketing gun sales. “They can’t have faith in their local police department,” Scalise said.

(Neither “defund the police” nor the reforms Scalise mentioned are widespread nor linked to an increase in crime.)

Then take Laurent Boebart (R) CO.

"When 9/11 happened, we didn't ban planes. We secured cockpits"

Per Forbes Magazine:

What followed was a complete overhaul of aviation security in no time flat. “At the time, airport security was largely an outsourced function,” says [former Pentagon official Bryan Del Monte, now the president of the Aviation Agency, which is a marketing firm].

All those rules and regulations, all the X-ray vision they scan you with in the security line at the airport, we didn't have that before 9/11. We didn't have the TSA before 9/11.

Remember the old timey movies when the woman and man would kiss at the airline gateway before the man left on a jet plane and didn't know when he would be back again? That used to happen in real life before 9/11.

How many school prayers does it take to bring a murdered 4th grader back to life? Is the death of 19 school children really a small price to pay for the liberty of owning AR15s?

Contrarian, extraordinaire