Pondering, the impact of the hearing will be minimal if it evens moves the needle on how people will vote this midterm. Going over the numbers, most of that 20 million who watched the primetime hearings were anti-Trumpers. It was a case of the preacher preaching to the choir so to speak. Going deeper, only 3% of that 20 million voted for Trump. There won’t be any change in the Republican Party on how they view Trump because of the hearing and no change of voting habits. Surprisingly to me was independents made up 25% of that 20 million. But most of those were anti-Trump independents or independents who lean toward the Democratic Party. Remember only 41% of independents voted for Trump in 2020. What you had was a viewing audience made up mostly of anti-Trumper. Those who watched were going to vote Democratic in November whether the hearings took place or not. The hearings just reinforced their vote, it didn’t change any votes. At least as far as I can tell going by the numbers. It also didn’t change any minds among those who want Trump prosecuted, those who don’t and those who just plain don’t care. Those who don’t and don’t care, didn’t watch the hearings.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.