Ah, going back over this thread, I see the disconnect. You're all in for getting Trump, but don't care about election results or potential election results. I'm looking at this on how the primetime hearings will affect the upcoming midterms and not through the eyes of whether the Democrats get Trump or not. I'm focused on the midterms; you're focused on Trump.

Perhaps that is the Democrats problem and may be the answer to why they’re going lose the House and perhaps the senate. My priority is an election strategy that would help keep the Democrats in power, in control or at least limit their loses. Yours seem to be just get Trump at any cost. Yours and most Democrats I may add. I hope you and the Democrats are successful, I have a feeling you won’t like the midterm results and especially won’t like what comes after that. That will leave you ranting and raving for a long time to come.

But on further reflection, thought. You might as well go get Trump and throw him behind bars. As long as inflation remains with us, there’s nothing the Democrats can do to retain control. Other than trying to limit the damage. Most independents don’t care what happens to Trump, they do care about their thinning to flat wallets. That’s priority number one to them. They’ll go with the only alternative available come election day.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.