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During his May 16, 2022, Tucker Carlson labeled U.S. Representative Dan Crenshaw, "Eye-Patch McCain."
Today, Trump supporters physically attacked Dan Crenshaw and his staff at the Republican Party of Texas convention, calling Dan Crenshaw "Eye-Patch McCain."
Seems like the MAGAts are causing a splinter within the GOP ranks.
Rick, you better have a long talk with your Democratic Party leaders. They in process of trying to get all those uninformed, non-thinkers, those who don’t care who wins or loses and probably don’t know the names of the two major parties to vote. They still believe that the higher the turnout the better that helps the Democratic Party. That’s an old wife’s tale. Totally false,
Presidential wise, since 1960 4 Democratic and 2 Republican winners when there was a high voter turnout, above average. 4 Democratic and 3 Republican winners when the voter turnout was low or below average. 1 Democrat and 2 republican winners when the voter turnout was average.
Midterm wise, the Democrats gained seats in 3 elections and the Republicans in 4 when the turnout was high. But in midterms when the voter turnout was low, the democrats gained seats 5 times while the Republicans 2. There was only one midterm when the turnout was average, the Republicans gained seats in that one.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
They don’t have one, the Republicans don’t need one, they don’t have to stand for anything, say anything, do anything. That is except be on the ballot as an alternative to the Democrats. Like many political junkies, I think you read way too much into these midterm elections. They’re a referendum on the party in power, not on the party out of power. The key word there is power. The party out of power is powerless, they can’t do a thing or accomplish a thing unless the party in power agrees. Which in today’s modern political era of polarization, the great divide and the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship isn’t going to happen.
If you don’t like rising prices, empty shelves, who else is your choice when voting expect the alternative, the party out of power. Don’t expect the Republicans to come up with a plan, they don’t need one. This midterm election isn’t a referendum on them, they just bystanders to what has been happening since January 2021. It isn’t a referendum on the party out of power. It’s a referendum on Biden and the Democratic controlled congress. Those happy with them will vote Democratic, those dissatisfied, unhappy with them, will vote for the alternative to the Democrats, which in our two-party system, just happens to be the Republicans.
Was 2020 election about issues, policy, agendas, no. It was all about Trump. No one, I should say a good many independents, who aren’t political junkies, who just wanted Trump gone, voted for Biden. They didn’t care what the democrat’s policies or agenda would be. They probably never knew the democrats had an agenda or what the Democratic Party stood for.
Simply put, midterms are a referendum on the party in power, that’s all they are.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
They don’t have one, the Republicans don’t need one, they don’t have to stand for anything, say anything, do anything. .
Just as I thought, the Republicans will set around with their thumb up their ass, "being in charge,' collecting a $157K paycheck and not helping Americans. Thanks for confirming what I thought would happen if Republicans get to be the majority...again.
Of course, even if Republicans do take the House, they can't do anything of consequence. Sure they could impeach Biden once a week, but they would look like idiots after the third or fourth time because they could never get a conviction. Biden would still be President, and he could just ignore them, The Senate still could confirm his Judges and Supreme Court picks, with zero Republican cooperation. The Justice Department could ignore any House referrals for prosecution, and go on to convict any number of Republicans for crimes like giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists. That would disqualify some House members and could even shift the majority back to the Democrats. It could also disqualify some in state legislatures, since a federal conviction for giving aid or comfort to insurrectionists disqualifies the convict from holding ANY elective office.
And if Alito and Thomas resigned or died, Biden's supreme court picks would put the SC back to 5:4 liberal.