A good suggestion by moderator Greger to include a Twitter feed of Capitol Hill Blue's latest stories and columns (and an occasional one from Blue Ridge Muse, is now appearing in the right-hand column of RR. I hope it helps spur more conversations on issues we try to post on CHB, which will be celebrating its 28th anniversary on Oct. 1 of this year.

With the moderators, we are working to improve the accessibility of posts and improve the RR. I'm looking for new operating software to replace UltimateBB, which is pretty much out of business and is no longer updated. A requirement is a seamless way we can import the data from RR into a new system. Any suggestions are welcome. Please let us know what you think.

Thanks for being part of RR and CHB, the oldest surviving political news site on the World Wide Web.


It is the role of a newspaperman to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
-- Finley Peter Dunne