Those 12 are from safe Republican districts. Besides, 2 of the 12 have lost in the GOP primaries. There are districts and states out there that are solid red or blue. It wouldn’t matter if either party ran Atilla the Hun as their solid red or solid blue candidate, Atilla would win. One needs to remember there’s 54 competitive districts as of today, subject to change of course. That means 381 districts are safe or one could say the winner is already determined prior to the first vote being cast.

Republicans have 199 safe districts, to retake the house they need to win 19 out of the 54. The Democrats on the other hand have 182 safe districts, need to win 36 out of the 54 competitive districts to retain control of the House. Even if you split the competitive districts down the middle, 14 GOP districts, give each party 7 each. Split the 40 democratic competitive districts at 20 each, you have the Republicans at 27 seats which would give them 226 with 218 needed to control the house. But with inflation and having a president at 38% approval, splitting evenly isn’t going to happen.

Thanks to Trump and his endorsements, the Republicans have fielded at least 3 very poor general election candidates in the senate races. PA, OH, GA. Trump is more interested in punishing his fellow Republicans than winning in the upcoming midterms. The Democrats would be better off keeping Trump very visible and continuing his endorsements. You and other democrats don’t realize how valuable Trump is to limiting the Democratic loses this year. Take him away, you just might experience that red wave.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.