Originally Posted by pdx rick
...not if 12 GOP Representative are indicted for sedition - as they should be. smile

Still toast. And still no red wave.

I'm gonna invoke the law of averages here...12 are suspected, 3 probably guilty, 1 probably not. The others have alibis or plausible deniability.

No one will be convicted. One might be indicted.

All are safe Republican seats and whatever the fate of the 12 random suspects, those seats will remain Republican. No one is going to change their party affiliation over a crooked pol or two.

Pero says 15-20 seats lost for the Dems if the election were held today. Probably accurate.

I say 15 tops on election day. **with no knowledge of any races, just playing averages again because...

Several issues are liable to get liberal leaners off the couch come November and I expect gas prices to be back near normal by then, certainly under $4 but not much probably ever again.

He's waffling on the Dem pick-up in the Senate and I say it's a sure thing thanks to Trump's clumsy kingmaking attempts. 51-49 Dems and I say you can take that one to the bank.

Losing the house by a small margin isn't a big deal.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...