The thing is this hasn’t happened yet, although Trump has been talking about announcing for months. Announcing his candidacy means nothing as to New York, Georgia or the DOJ. Trump probably knows his hold is slipping among Republicans. Many now want him to go away. They don’t want to fight 2020 election this midterm. They want to keep this election about Biden and inflation, high gas and food prices. A Trump announcement would change that, making Trump the spotlight, making this election about Trump and not Biden. Here’s some scenarios.

1. Trump is indicted prior to the midterms, by who doesn’t matter which peeves off Republicans who show up in huge numbers in November. An indictment might also relieve some of the hesitancy independents now have for voting Trump backed candidates and the Republicans in general. This could happen if Trump ceases to be a threat to regain the presidency which an indictment and a trial would do.

2. Nothing happens, Trump doesn’t announce, and he isn’t indicted which would maintain the status quo of the Republicans picking up about half the seats in the house that they should due to independents hesitancy and shall I say the fear of a Trump return. One should remember with a president whose approval is 39% or there about, a red wave of 40 or more seats should be in the works.

3. Trump announces, he becomes the main attraction, not Biden and perhaps not inflation. This enforces the hesitancy for independents, some switch from voting GOP to voting Democratic. The fact is a majority of independents don’t like Trump and don’t want him to return to office.

Election wise, 1 would help the Republicans in the midterms. Turn the anticipated 18-20 seat gain into maybe 30 and perhaps a gain of 1 or 2 seats in the senate. If nothing happens, 2, we basically stay where we’re at now. A 18-20 seat loss in the house for the Dems, a gain of 1 seat in the senate. 3 would be a big help to the Democrats. Probably giving the Dems a 1-2 seat pick up in the senate, perhaps 3 and cut their losses in the house to 10 and maybe even under. This is how I see it, my best SWAG.

Privately, many Republicans are hoping Trump does get indicted, charge and sent to trial. They know he is hurting their election chances this November in more ways than one. But they won’t say so out of fear of losing the support of Trump’s followers. They’re cowed.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.