Greger, having both happen is something I didn’t think of. I doubt the indictment here in Georgia will come anytime soon. There’re still the special grand jury waiting to hear witnesses. Once they finish, if the evidence shows charges should be brought, then a regular grand jury will have to be impaneled. We’re probably post Midterms here. New York, I don’t know anything about. Then there’s Garland, the DOJ. I would wager he’s weighing all sorts of political ramifications of an indictment along with its timing. You can be certain there would be very loud and numerous howls if Garland indicts Trump prior to the election of the Democratic AG trying to influence the outcome of the midterms.

After the midterms would be the safer bet, howls of partisan politics would rise for sure, but not trying to influence the election. That’s up to Garland to weigh and decide.

Self-preservation is always rule number one for our elected officials regardless of party. Yes, this is precisely why most elected Republicans or those who want to run for office are keeping quiet about Trump. Most of them will need all the Trump supporters they can get along with independents depending on the state and district.

One thing is for sure, this isn’t your normal midterm election. It’s unique, the likes which has never happened before. Not with a president with as low job approval as Biden which is still below 40%. Here’s some history.
Trump was at 41% approval in July 2018, he lost 44 house seats in November
Obama was at 45% approval in July 2010, he lost 63 house seats in November
Bush was at 39% approval in July 2006, He lost 33 house seats in November.
Bill Clinton was at 42% approval in July 1994, he lost 54 house seats in November

And here’s Biden with his 39% approval projected to lose 18-20 seats. But there a half dozen factors present this year that weren’t in the 4 presidents listed above. Very interesting indeed.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.