Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I've been perseverating over the lack of true patriotism in the United States - the willingness to sacrifice "for the good of the country". The closest, frankly, I see it presently, is in Liz Cheney, although I disagree with almost everything she stands for, politically. But, I have no doubt that she is sacrificing her political future because she sees something very wrong and refuses to unsee it, or to stand for it.

Al Gore's concession speech in 2000 was, in my view, a shining example of swallowing pride and ambition "for the good of the country".

I don't see a lot of that anymore. Of course, it is rare, because the opportunities to be "profiles in courage" don't come up often. John McCain did it when he berated one of his own supporters in defense of Obama's honor and patriotism.

Who are the exemplars you see of people genuinely putting country before personal interests, particularly in politics?

Adam Kinzinger for starters.

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