Make this part II of my post right above it.

How to explain independents lack of interest in the midterm election. One way to put it is that it is the Democrats and Republicans own the horses (candidates) in the races. They have a huge stake in the results as the owners. Independents don’t own a thing, they’re casual observers if that. But they do usually decide who wins and who loses, not either party’s base. Independents will only become interested if they get angry at something the party in power has done or didn’t do. Then they’re energized to vote them out of power. Wave elections like in 1994, 2006, 2010 and 2018 happen. If independents aren’t angry, fewer show up to vote and they usually vote to retain the party in power. Simple explanation, but at times, simple is best. Happy equals keeping the party in power, angry means getting rid of the party in power.

Today, I’d say independents are disappointed, dissatisfied with Biden and the democratic controlled congress. But they’re not angry. Not yet. Independents also don’t trust the Republicans which is their only alternative to replace those they’re disappointed, dissatisfied, unhappy with. A catch 22 situation. It seems independents don’t want the Democrats in charge of congress, but they don’t want the Republicans in charge either. This may be a case of split the difference. Give the Republicans the house but keep the senate in democratic hands which today looks like the likeliest outcome. Although this could change tomorrow.

I’d say come November, you’ll see a high turnout among Republicans and Democrats, but a vey low independent turnout as they don’t like their choices. Usually, although independents according to Gallup make up 43% of the electorate, they average only 30% of those who turnout to vote. I doubt if independents make up 25% of those who vote in November. It could be lower. That would be way below average for independents. Republicans and Democrats, each party makes up 27% each of the electorate. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that each, Republicans 38%, Democrats 38% of those who turnout to vote this November. But it makes sense, since the two major parties own the horses while independents don’t like their choices.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.