Yes. You can break down independents into three groups, independents lean democratic, independents lean republican and pure or true independents with no leans. While the base of both parties as of 20 June is 27% each with independents making up 43% of the electorate. It’s really isn’t that simple. If you add leaners to the base total, that brings you up to 46% Republican base plus independent leaners, 45% Democratic base plus leaners. That leaves 9% as pure or true independents with no leans. Pure or True independents make up 21% of all independents. Also party affiliation numbers, percentages constantly changes, they’re dynamic. This year, 2022, the Republican base has been as low as 24% and as high as 29%. Democratic base has ranged from 27-31% while independents ranged between 39-46%. The independents numbers include pure/true independents along with independents leans Republican and Leans democratic.

The voting habits are different though. Whereas the base of a party will vote for their party’s candidates 94% of the time, independents who leans toward a party does so 74% of the time. You’d have the democratic base voting 94-6 over the Republican while independents who lean Democratic voting 74-26 over Republicans. Again, not that simple as that doesn’t include third party or independent candidates votes. Pure or true independents with no leans are impossible to figure out how they will vote, I gave up on them.

One other thing. The vast majority of polls divide party affiliation as Republican base, Democratic base and all of independents regardless of lean. Only a very few will include the leaners in their poll as being Republican and or Democrats. They’ll state so, Republican plus leaners or Democratic plus leaners. Those who do poll issues and not elections.

The polls I have cited since I’ve been here don’t include leaners among either party’s base.

Last edited by perotista; 07/23/22 02:38 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.