Two months ago, the house had the basically the same numbers as of today. The GOP led by 2.2 points on 25 May, they lead today in the generic congressional ballot by 2.5 points baring any new polls today.

Since redistricting was completed, the 18-20 house seat pickup also has been steady.

The senate, close races with some candidates to still be decided in Arizona and Wisconsin. But there’s only 6 competitive states, 3 from each side. Arizona, Georgia, Nevada from the democrats, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from the GOP side. Incumbents have a slight advantage in 5 of the 6 today with Pennsylvania be the exception. There D Fetterman has the slight advantage. Incumbency is a huge advantage, which is why I expect Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin to remain where they are today. North Carolina is an open seat, but Budd is up in the polls and it seems he’s increasing his lead.

As for the 1-6 hearings, basically only democrats are paying attention to them along with some other avid anti-Trumpers. 32% of independents approve of the 1-6 committee, 39% disapprove and 29% answer, what committee? Those hearings have failed to move the needle at all. Neither has the leaked draft, the mass school shootings. The official overturning of Roe by the SCOTUS has moved the needle a point in the generic congressional ballot, but not in the at risk, switchable, competitive house districts nor in any of the senate races. Not yet anyway.

Independents will decide the midterms as Republicans and Democrats cancel each other out. We still have a long way to go, so nothing is written in stone.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.