I think you need to look at the entire 2020 ballot and not just the presidency. 2020 wasn’t even close to an endorsement for the Democratic Party agenda if one takes the entire ballot into consideration. Outside of the presidency, it might even be considered a rejection. 2020 was simply an election to get rid of Trump, no more, no less. Remember the Republicans while losing the presidency by 7 plus million votes gained 13 house seats, a governorship and two state legislatures. Biden became the first president since 1884 to win the popular and lose house seats. Biden won by 7 plus million, lost 13 house seats. Grover Cleveland back in 1884 won by a mere 58,000 and lost 8 house seats. Below the popular vote percentages.

Biden won the presidency 51.3 to 46.9%
House Republicans received 49.1 to 48.3 over the Democrats
Senate Republicans received 49.3 to 47.0% over the Democrats
Governors Republicans received 52.4 to 44.1% over the Democrats

I don’t have the popular vote percentages for the state legislatures, but the GOP increased their number of state legislatures in 2020 over 2018. But take note the Republicans won the nationwide popular vote for the House, senate and governor’s races. Only at the presidential level did the Democrats win the nationwide popular vote. You had approximately 7 million ticket splitters who voted for Biden, more to the truth, against Trump than for Biden, then voted Republican down ballot. That’s voting Democratic for president, then voting Republican for the House, senate, Governors and state legislatures.

The only conclusion one can arrive at is 2020 was a rejection of Trump, but not an endorsement for the Democratic agenda. If it was an endorsement of the Democratic Party agenda, the people would have given Biden the numbers he needed in congress. They didn’t, in fact they took away Democratic numbers and gave them to the GOP.

Last edited by perotista; 07/27/22 12:42 AM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.