Originally Posted by pdx rick
...from the Salon link above:

The assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by thousands of Trump's armed followers, including right-wing paramilitaries, was a key part of the coup plot. Trump's mob was not "random" or "hapless" or "unarmed" or "uncoordinated" as too many observers in the mainstream news media and elsewhere have long insisted. Some were armed with lethal weapons including pistols and assault rifles. Their goals were clear: Keep Donald Trump in power at any cost, in defiance of the will of the American people. Their methods were obvious: Use any means necessary, up to and including lethal violence, to stop the certification of the 2020 election.

Oh harumph Rick, there you go engaging in hyperbole again. These are just upset patriots and you should accept Ron DeSantis as your next president. The Democrats are done, and you know that. Move along, nothing to see here. Get off my lawn.

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