Ohio is interesting in that Vance is a Trump endorsed candidate who won the Republican Primary over a candidate better suited to win the general election. Trump also did this in Pennsylvania with Oz and in Georgia with Walker. The poorest candidate for the general election won their primaries only because Trump backed them and Trumpers flooded to vote for them.

Arizona may join the list of having a Trump backed candidate which has a very poor shot at winning the general election come Tuesday when Arizona holds their primary. As for the Democrats chances of keeping control of the senate, they keep improving as Trump keeps endorsing far right Trumpers for revenge purposes who stand a poor chance of winning in the general. Once again, Democrats should be thanking Trump profusely for all he has done to help them keep the senate. Senate election wise, Trump has been one of the biggest friends of the democrats so far this election cycle.

Rick, you need to send Trump a thank you note for helping the Democrats most likely keeping control of the senate. Without Trump, The GOP most certainly would have gained control with Biden at 38% approval and inflation still rising.

Ohio Ryan plus 2.1 – I don’t expect this to last. But it worth keeping an eye on. Miracles do happen now and then and this could be a big miracle that propels Ryan into presidential prospect for 2024.


Pennsylvania Fetterman plus 8.3 - This is a big one was it would be a democratic gain. I expect Fetterman to win with the Democrats ultimately in a 51-49 control come next year.


Georgia Warnock by 3.0 – A Democratic hold.


Arizona, the Republicans will choose their candidate next Tuesday. Probably another Trumper which will lose to Kelly, the democratic incumbent. There’s still Nevada, Wisconsin, North Carolina that are all close to 50-50, but the incumbents in those three has a slight advantage and should remain with the party that currently controls them.

The bottom line, I'd give the Democrats a 60-40 shot at retaining control of the senate, but only around 10% at keeping control of the house. My 18-20 Republican seat gain in the house still applies. From tjhe current 214 for the GOP to around 234 give or take a seat or two.

Last edited by perotista; 07/29/22 06:39 PM.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.