Originally Posted by perotista
Originally Posted by Greger
There are barely half a million people in Wyoming. There's not a lot of wiggle room, but Cheney has begun mailing Democrats with instructions on how to change parties to vote for her in the primaries...

Her opponent had this to say about the effort...
“What Cheney doesn’t understand is that Democrats will drop her like a bad habit after she’s no longer useful to them on the Jan. 6 committee.”

She's right about that. Other than the Trump thing, Cheney stands opposed to everything Democrats believe.
You got that exactly right Greger. Once the Democrats have got their use of Cheney on the 1-6 committee, they’ll completely wash their hands of her. They’ll drop her like a ton of bricks.

I don't know what anyone expects Dems to do beyond that.
Plenty of independents and Republicans cast votes for Joe Biden and frankly he wouldn't have won if not for that support, but once they'd gotten the use out of Joe, namely throwing Trump out to pasture, they threw Biden out like yesterday's garbage too.

Liz voted WITH Trump 90 percent of the time. Reread that...she didn't necessarily vote with other Republicans 90% of the time, she voted with TRUMP 90% of the time. Am I to surmise that people are miffed that Democrats aren't suddenly saying "You know, Liz Cheney's views are just what we Democrats need!" ??????

Is there something wrong with acknowledging and respecting Liz Cheney's devotion to the rule of law and the Constitution while simultaneously remaining in opposition to the rest of her political views?
If there is, we can just hang it all up and welcome fascism and permanent autocratic rule, forget all of it and just welcome Trump back.
Don't even hold an election, just crown the guy...we were wrong for opposing Liz.

Is that right?

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