There are a lot of red state women who will tell their regressive husbands they’re voting Republican, then cast a different vote in the booth.

No. There aren't. You're grasping at straws. Conservatives will accept conservative rulings and move on. And whatever makes you think a majority of Republican women are pro-life?
Or that abortion is an important issue to them?

That grocery bill though...? That's a pretty big issue every week.

Democrats have failed to instill confidence in their ability to govern. It will cost them a few seats in the House. Not a lot, and not unexpected, but enough to lose the majority.

There are a lot of reasons this could be strategically good for the Democrats. It might be the one single thing that could prevent a DeSantis presidency. Power ebbs and flows and, like water, it always takes a predictable course.

Both parties want all the power, all the time. It's not gonna happen. The American system is a pretty beautiful thing.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...