The over ripe queen of the gerontocracy has set forth from the forbidden city to make the trip to Taiwan after all. Refuting the ‘one China’ policy of the last several decades, it’s been odd to see the role reversal for the right wing woke party.The Dems had confined themselves to the Russian scapegoating election losses and their proxy war in the Ukraine. It was the other right wing political party that made its antagonism towards the ‘yellow peril’ of south east Asia and China in particular known by calls for ‘getting tuff’ with China on the campaign trails, the appointment of Larry Kudlow to the SEC with Trumps election victory (sorry Dems, she should have gone to Michigan…) and the immediate tariffs his administration imposed on Chinese imports.

But politics make strange bedfellows and now that the neoliberals are in bed with the neocons that run state it’s the geriatric queen whos now poking the Panda and stoking the flames against China. Right wing Messianic fanatics of world domination in bed with radical adherents to market social ordering. What could go wrong? (Hint: see Ukraine)

Anyways, it was obvious the two camps were going to do China next and here we are now. Having started a fight with a commodities exporting superpower and having our ass handed to us (or our nato trained proxy army anyway) and deciding maybe it was time we picked another fight with a major manufacturing superpower that we literally helped create in the neoliberal pursuit of higher returns via deindustrialization of our economy and industrializing China’s.

Adults are clearly in the room. This could get fun..

Going to the beach

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/02/22 12:38 PM.