...Europe’s going backwards economically. Coal plants are being put back online. Over 5 million refugees. Up to a thousand Ukraine conscripts are dying a day. Germany has cut hot water usage in all public buildings, etc. .
Welp, Donald Trump's Russian BFF thinks that Ukraine, and Europe for that matter, should come under the Russian sphere of influence. Poor 5'3" Putin, the li'l fella has a short guy inferiority complex.

I personally liked the homophobic memes liberals were using with Trump and Putin after the mother goddess blew the election of 2016. They're nothing if not fickle.
Trump had nothing to do with instigating war in the Ukraine as far as I recall. That's a self own of the neocons who seriously misread the room. Liberals too for joining in with them.
Germany was paying 41Euro/MWh average from 2010-2021. Today it's 400Euro/MWh.
Some of the key pieces of equipment in my shop are German and Italian made. I had gone thru and replaced every wear item vital to keep them going when this Neocon sh!t show got underway in February. The consumable feed glue used in one key piece of equipment is made in Germany only. There are no substitutions. Mid cap companies that this machinery/tooling represents in Europe are in real danger of going under now. They can't shift production to other parts of the world. Worst of all possible worlds. Maintaining your competitive manufacturing base thru low cost energy inputs and high skilled labor force while suborning your foreign policy to NATO and it's neocon administrators that have insisted you commit economic suicide for them. Prices are heading thru the roof now. I'm stocking up on what I have to have to continue to do business.
Cabinet hardware is mostly made in Europe as they have taken over the market from the US decades ago thru innovation and improvement. Open a cabinet door and tell me what the country of origin your hinge is from. Ditto if you have soft close under mount drawer slides. China has done a passable job copying some of the more common hardware pieces from Europe so I can substitute some hardware but not all. Should a trade war break out with China and they simply stopped exporting these items I would have no way of making mill work. Most Americans will be barefoot in a year. I imagine that would make whats left of the people of Edicott NY smile.
I wish I had your eff off money with political economic realities Rick. Unfortunately I do not. My material concerns are outweighed by liberal upper middle class fantasies at the moment and their neocon BFF's are really making a hash of things. At some point you understand that's all they really are good at. Winning bureaucratic battles and little else for the vast majority of Americans.