Originally Posted by Greger
How far to the war-mongering right the Dems have become.

Do you imagine there was ever a tremendous difference between the parties?

That "Democrats" are and have always been made up of morally superior human beings devoted to the good of mankind worldwide and dedicated to peace?

I don't. Because if they were, you'd be one of them instead of sniping at their perceived air of moral superiority.

As near as I can tell, Taiwan has been an honorable trading partner to the US. China claims it just like Russia claims Ukraine. Pretending it doesn't exist to mollify China's abhorrent wishes is nonsense.

Hong Kong and Shanghai have fallen. Ukraine will soon run out of conscripts. Korea only exists as long as China says it exists. Japan could go any time, Slovenia might be next.

The entire former USSR will be re-united under one flag and one currency, and most of Asia will become "provinces" of China. Both nations have long-term plans to achieve these goals and are ruled by autocratic strongmen who have no qualms with the brutality or expense required to get what they want.

The United States can't think beyond the next election; the only enemies it knows are other Americans. Putin only exists as an extension of Donald Trump.

Dem's had some antiwar sentiment with respect to invading Iraq as I recall. Not all but some. Obama ran on his anti war record and made the mother godesses vote to go to war a liability for her in the 2008 primary IIR. (not that it would predict his future behavior, sadly). I remember some Dems opposing Reagans 'Dirty wars'. Not all but some more still. I don't recall Dems being as monolithic in their war mongering as today.

Since the Dems got NAFTA done I don't see much of a difference between either parties in terms of economic positions. Dems and Repubs get funding from different styles of ruling classes (their not a monolith either). They both serve oligarchy.

Republicans repealed Roe V Wade. That shows capacity to sustain a decades long effort to achieve success. Liberals spend their time with euphemisms for why we can't have nice things.

The rest of your post reads like Imperial paranoi.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/03/22 03:20 PM.