This I find interesting for two reasons.

Poll: Many Americans say 2nd Biden or Trump term would be 'worst thing that could happen' in 2024

What I found interesting in the article, poll, these are what interested me.

1. In a striking expression of the profound pessimism and polarization currently afflicting U.S. politics — as well as a growing aversion to both parties’ presidential front-runners — a plurality of registered voters now say it would be “the worst thing that could happen” if either President Biden (39%) or former President Donald Trump (41%) were to win the White House again in 2024, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

Only about half as many voters say a second Trump term would be "the best thing that could happen" (22%). A mere 8% say the same about a second Biden term.

2. Just 16% of Americans agree that they’re “well represented by the Democratic and Republican parties," while 40% choose the alternative statement: "America needs a new political party that's positioned in the political center between the Democrats and Republicans."

Similarly, 40% "want the option to vote for a third-party candidate for president in 2024 who is positioned in the political center between the Democrats and Republicans” — including 55% of independents, 53% of political moderates, 40% of Biden voters and 40% of Trump voters. Asked to describe the priorities of elected officials, 37% of Americans say Democratic priorities are “too extreme”; 40% say the same about Republican priorities.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.