Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Trump had nothing to do with instigating war in the Ukraine as far as I recall.
Trump firing the US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2017, then asking Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a quid pro quo and withholding Zephyrs let Russia know it was ok to mess with Ukraine.

BFF simply means "best friend for ever." There is no homosexual context to besties.

I hafta say, I used to think the far right was having the most fun with their politics. They had their politicians fighting the lizard people down in caves, freeing the kids and keeping us safe, etc.. But now I’m seeing Libs have a lot of fun with blueanon intrigues and LARPing.

I never said Libs were using homophobic acronyms. What I said was ‘ I personally liked the homophobic memes liberals were using with Trump and Putin’.

Heck, SNL was doing skits of Trump being Putin’s beyatch. It’s politics amiright? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there’s no solidarity in a meritocracy. Libs are fickle with that big tent of theirs.

Anyhow, back to Taiwan. Looks like the Chinese navy will be doing live fire exercises around Taiwan. Looks like it will tie up airline flights and shipping. Wonder what the total cost of the stunt will wind up being?

Glad we took care of Flynt though. Boy, we’re those folks hurtin.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 08/04/22 06:28 PM.