So....we need to be more like China to survive, We aren't going to become more like China so we can't survive as a society, Woe is us we might as well eat worms and die.
China uses sweatshops and slave labor has no respect for the rights of any individuals, and has turned its population into widget makers for the world.
Don't mistake China for a successful socialist endeavor. Xi Jinping is just another Stalin.
Who said anything about surviving?
You don’t need to be more like China to have a mixed economy. We had more of one ourselves until the neoliberal turn.
Did your criticism of China’s labor conditions ever stop you from purchasing Chinese products? S’funny it should stop you from understanding the differences of mixed vs. fully rent seeking economies. Especially as a self described leftist.
You think we don’t use slave labor in the US? How’s our countries record of transitioning to industrialization compare to China’s?
Sheesh.. Another Stalinhitler comparison in the midst of our nonstop murdering and coup-ing of nonwhite people and governments thru out the world.
Anyhow, my comment was responding to Jeff’s hope of possible restoring of manufacturing jobs. We can’t. We’re to expensive. Neoliberals, wether they be blue or red, will further gut social provisioning thru market privatization.
How do you think ‘serving the oligarchs’ works? Or debt peonage for that matter.