When you’re the party out of power, you are running as the alternative to the party in power. The party out of power doesn’t have to stand for a thing or run on anything. It is what the party in power has done or hasn’t done to either to make folks happy with them with the voters wanting to maintain the status quo, keeping them in power or mad at them wanting to give the alternative party a chance. It’s quite simple.

Moral of the story don’t make independents mad or angry at you or take them out of their comfort zone if you’re the party in power. Clinton did in 1994, Bush in 2006, Obama in 2010 and Trump in 2018. The result, a wave election against the party in power.

1994 independents voted for Republican congressional candidates by a 56-42 margin. Republicans gained 54 house seats.
2006 independents voted Democratic congressional candidates by a 57-39 over Republicans. Democrats gained 33 house seats.
2010 independents voted 56-37 Republican over Democratic congressional candidates. Republicans gained 63 house seats.
2018 Independents voted for the Democratic congressional candidates by a 54-42 margin. Democrats gained 44 house seats.

The difference between 2022 and the above is independents aren’t angry, they dissatisfied, unhappy, but not angry. Hence, no red wave. Independents also don’t trust a Trump led alternative to the party in power they’re very dissatisfied with. Much like the 2020 election, we’ll get a split decision. 2020, the democrats won the presidency, lost down ballot. 2022, the Republicans take back the house, the democrats retain the senate.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.