What I have found Greger is that past election results mean little since the arrival of Trump. By historical standards, Trump should have lost in 2016. Only states like Michigan, Pennsylvania which had voted 6 straight presidential elections for Democrats along with Wisconsin which voted 8 straight times for the Democratic candidate went to Trump in 2016. What were the odds all three would buck their historical trend which had been in place for so long? I got all three of those states wrong. For Trump to win in 2016 the earth, moon, sun, all the planets along with all the galaxies had to align perfectly which they did.

2022, so far at lest is another election where historical standards don’t apply. With Biden at 39% overall approval, history says the Democrats should lose 40 plus seats in the house, 6 senate seats along with 5 governors. A red wave in other words. Ain’t gonna happen. A loss of 18-20 house seats, way below a wave election standard, a gain of a senate seat, maybe two. A gain of 3 or possibly 4 governors, what the heck is going on? Of course, my answer is Trump. Because of him the GOP has four lousy senate candidates in states the Republicans should win along with a couple of governor candidates. Then there’s independents who really dislike Trump. Historical standards are being turned upside down.

2020 was another election where historical standards failed big time. Winning the presidency by 7 plus million votes one would expect coat tails, a pickup of 30-40 house seats instead of losing 13 which the democrats did. Not only that, the democrats lost a governor and 2 state legislatures. 2020 was the first time since 1884 where a candidate wins the popular vote via the presidency and loses house seats. The big difference is Biden won by 7 plus million and lost 13 house sets. Grover Cleveland won by a mere 58,000 and lost 8 house seats. No comparison. Crazy times we live in.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.